Intrigued by monsters? Jason Offutt’s next title, “Chasing American Monsters: Creatures, Cryptids, and Hairy Beasts,” seeks out the furry, scaly and feathered creatures that lurk in the hidden places of all fifty states. From the Slide Rock Bolter of Colorado to the Wampus Cat of the American South, “Chasing American Monsters” takes readers to tops of mountains and into the deep, dark depths of serpent-infested lakes. “Chasing American Monsters” is available March 8, 2019. Don’t miss out. Reserve your copy at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.
Just finished the book, what a blast to read through. Loved the little introductions on each state, as someone from Europe, there was lots of interesting trivia to go through.
Hoping for a worldwide monster sequel to the book 🙂
Thanks, Tim. I’m working on Canada monsters right now.